Enrolments are open to all families. Enrolment for Prep at St Philips opens in February of the year before students commence school. More information is available in the Enrolment Policy.
We look forward to welcoming your family to our school.
Tour Dates
Tour dates are available at any time throughout the year.
Transition to School
Kinder to Prep Transition
As it is such an important time in a child’s and family’s life, we aim to provide a smooth transition for all of our students from Kinder to Prep.
The year before beginning school, children are invited to attend four orientation sessions. Our aim is that they begin to feel comfortable in our school and become acquainted with some of the teachers that they will be working with in the following year. Orientation sessions include storytime with the Teacher-Librarian, an introduction to Italian, Performing Arts, Physical Education and STEM with the Specialist teachers and of course spending time with the Prep Teachers and meeting their Year 6 buddies.
Parents have the opportunity to participate in a Parent Information Night where they have the opportunity to meet other parents and be guided through the requirements and expectations by our Principal.
Primary to Secondary Transitions
We liaise with secondary schools to ensure a smooth transition for our Year 6 graduates into Year 7. This includes our Year 6 teacher working with our students during this transitional time, our feeder Catholic Secondary schools visiting the students at school and our students going to their schools as arranged and staff liaising with the staff from secondary school about each student. We recognise that this can be exciting and unsettling at the same time for our students and each student’s wellbeing is paramount.

School Uniform

At St Philip’s we wear our uniforms with pride. Our uniforms identify us in the community as students of St Philip’s and give us a sense of identity and belonging.

Before & After School Care

Youth Leadership Victoria runs our Before and After School Care program. Before School Care is from 7:00am – 8:40am and After School Care is from 3:30pm – 6:00pm. Parent Information Packs are available from the School Office.
Book a Tour
Tours run throughout the year. Please complete the form to book a school tour. We look forward to meeting you.